Why Coronavirus can’t Survive the Tropical Heat and Indian Summer?

“Choose Hope Not Fear”

Coronavirus or Covid-19 is creating all the unnecessary turmoil in the world due to its outspread reach in China, South Korea, parts of Europe, and North America. If you carefully observe, any commoner will tell the eastern parts of this planet have managed to stay away from the domination of Corona. 

Should India worry about Corona Outbreak?

Heat dominates these regions, especially the African Continent and the Asian giant India. The temperature levels are raising in India as winter has ended and summer is coming! The tropical nature of this nation will be unsuitable for Coronavirus to survive. The recent group of Italian tourists can beat Corona staying in India better as the tropical heat is intensifying. In states like Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, Corona’s survival rate is impossible. 

Until now, no one in India has faced any trouble due to the novel Coronavirus. It is crystal clear from observation and facts, those who have an active lifestyle and a good immune system need not worry about the outbreak of Corona. According to global statistics, people above 60 with a weaker immune system are the most affected age group. 

What the WHO recommends the World?

Wash your Hands Frequently

This has been taught to children to help them practice good hygiene from an earlier age. The same is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) just to create awareness. As the disease is spread through droplets in tables, chairs, and other furniture used during conferences and meetings, it is advisable to wash hands with soap.

Maintain Social Distancing

Say Namaste instead of handshakes to welcome people and while addressing a crowd. A necessary precaution for the world to stay a little farther from each other. Avoid getting into crowded places for a while.

Stop Touching your Face

Again, this is normal advice to everyone who doesn’t want foreign bodies to enter their body. We love adjusting our hair, scratching our beard, and some enjoy the ecstasy of picking nose and biting their nails. Stop touching your face and overthinking unless you are speaking before a million people and forget what to say next.

Time to Use your Elbows

The more you read, the more you’ll understand Corona is also a normal virus just like the common cold. For hygiene and overall decorum, it is best to sneeze into your elbows to avoid the spread of droplets.

Stay home if you are sick

It is the best thing to do for quick recovery and also eliminating the spread of disease to other people. People who are experiencing shortness in breath and having severe cough should stay home.

What Singapore Health Minister says?

Speaking about the novel coronavirus, Gan Kim Yong, the health minister of Singapore says about the isolation of the affected people in his country. However, Gan Kim said an important fact that Corona is far less deadly than the earlier pandemic SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). As the transmission is through droplets, the individual should practice good hygiene. He also jokingly added about himself touching his face during the meeting between health officials. Not touching one’s face is an easy thing to do but very difficult too, he concluded with that note.

India is Safe and South India is Super Safe to Travel

First and foremost thing is to stop panicking about everything happening in the world. Staying safe and being aware of the surroundings is the best thing to do. The Indian Tourism industry is well equipped with government orders and till now there has been no problem in travelling to South India and all other hotter zones in India.

Time to Explore Places of Historical Importance in South India

The humidity in the weather is increasing as we are writing this copy and all your worry should be about staying hydrated during summer months in India. The best month to see all wild animals and chill in the luxurious hotels of India. Read about the tips to travel India during the summer season. Don’t believe in fake media reports and cooked up stories. They are intentionally created by anti-national groups to bombard the effect of an event. Unless there is a direct order by the government on account of creating awareness to the general public, don’t waste your time on WhatsApp fake forwards and cooked up shares on FB and other social media. Share hope and more hope on social media.

Stay away from fake social media shares and share maximum awareness in a positive way. That’s what the world needs right now. China will be back on track to produce more iPhones while Japan should conduct the Olympics as planned. Thailand should bounce back with more exports of rice to the world. The world has seen many and will bounce back when everyone stays optimistic. Many Chinese people have recovered from Coronavirus and soon tourism will boom in China too.

As far as South India is concerned, it is more open to Wildlife safaris and honeymoon travel than ever before. As the government of India and the ministry of tourism is planning to launch novel campaigns and introduce GeoPark in destinations like Hyderabad, within a month, India will receive more tourists in 2020 from international destinations than 2019. Visit destinations like Hampi, Badami, Madurai, Chennai, Rameshwaram, Tanjore, Alleppey, Cochin, Mysore, and Belur during this season to avoid the crowd during the winter season. Here is a quick list of destinations to travel during summer in India.

Corona will die. The only virus that remains immortal till date is fake news.

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