
5 Reasons why you must consider traveling

By Indian Panorama

July 03, 2017

It is no secret how travel influences your mind, body, and soul. I recollect now a famous quote by the Dalai Lama himself,


“Every year travel at least once to a place you have never been to”.  

This inspired me to travel every time I get a chance to. For me, travel is the ultimate breakout from the daily money crazy routine. For many, travel is the ultimate reason to live. Travel means different things to different people. Some set out to explore the unseen, some to learn and spiritually evolve, some to brainstorm their ideas that they are looking for, some to relax and then there are the adventure junkies who always crave for some mind-bending, spine twisting experiences.


Here are some of the reasons you must consider traveling every now and then you feel to unwind-


1. Recharge your batteries


Don’t you feel at times to get off your work chair and jump off your office window? Well, I did feel many times. It is healthy to shut off your workaholic brain and fly somewhere you have never been to. Medical research has proven that travel reduces the stress levels and revitalize our mind. Putting it simply “Travel recharge our batteries”.


2. Travel changes your whole perspective of life


Traveling is believed to expand human consciousness as per the latest understanding of medical science. Such is the power of travel. Travel makes us more aware of life. I find it true to the very word. Whenever I return back after a journey to a new destination, I personally experience dramatic changes in my attitude, also the way I behave and carry myself around. It is always surprising when you are out for a trip, how your mind dumps all those negative thoughts you brought from your workplace. Spending time traveling, refresh and reopen your tired brain. Various new experiences prepare you to deal with all your work or family issues with ease. You would smile off everything that disturbs you.


3. Travel teaches you to live the present


We often forget to do what is the most crucial and enjoyable aspect of life, which is to “live in the present”. We all are completely trapped in the usual drama that surrounds us. Let it be in your office or your family, constant stress never allows you to see the beauty of life. I would say travel is the most effective tool to enjoy your life. Travel helps you find yourselves within. Whenever you are out looking for excitement, let it be hiking the Himalayas, strolling through the streets of the historical city of Fort Cochin or partying at nightclubs of Goa, you literally disconnect and forget the past or do not even care about future. You enjoy the moment and that is what makes life beautiful and traveling, a gift.


4. Travel is knowledge


In India, ancient rishis and saints traveled all across the subcontinent in search of knowledge. They believed travel is the ultimate tool for wisdom. In Islam, it is said that the Islamic traditions are a collective result of voyages made by the prophets. I believe in it too. A week of travel to certain destinations teach us more than sitting inside a closed classroom. We would get to know the world more when we set out and explore on our own. We would learn about various other cultures, languages, food and what not? There is a whole lot we do not know about our planet we live on but we do have the gift to enjoy the grandeur of this creation.


5. Reconnect with Mother Nature


City life always excites us, but once you get into it, you would feel sorry for yourself. The polluted air, relentless noise from the car horns and engines, fast food and technology make us deceased in a matter of years. Once in a while, reconnect with our beloved Mother Nature and set out a journey to a serene hill station or your favorite beach destination. Breath in some fresh air, treat your eyes with the lush greenery surrounding the hills, enjoy a sunbath and rejuvenate yourself.


I hope you enjoyed the post. You may have many of your own reasons to travel. Share with us. We are a passionate group of travel enthusiasts who love to travel and share our experiences.